Sunday, May 31, 2015


It's a new month, which means a fresh slate if you back slid last month with what you want to achieve. June 1st is the kick off of #wallsitmonth in my free fitness challenge group. I am so excited for a new month to work on my goals, and help others achieve theirs as well. 

A common excuse that I hear a lot in regards to people not reaching their goals is that they do not have TIME. In all honesty you may think that you do not have time, but you really do. We make time for what is truly important to us. So if getting healthier is important to you; you will make time for it because it is important. As a college student I know that time is hard, but I am not going to make the excuse of time when I know that I have it. The problem is not time it is PRIORITZING. We have to make time for ourselves to reach our goals to get healthier. For me personally. the mornings are my time that I have committed to myself to allow myself to get healthier. Set time aside, and block it out daily, or on the days you want to workout so that you achieve your goals. 

Here is a quick video that I did about TIME and to guide us into the free fitness challenge for the month. 

What are the most important things that you need to do today? 
If it helps you write down what you need to accomplish 

Motivation Monday Inspiration:

Either you will fill up your calendar or someone else will. We are all busy and have things that we need to do. If we don't schedule time for ourselves we will become so busy with what others need or want us to do; that we do not take the time to invest in ourselves.

If you are not in my free fitness challenge and are interested in joining you can join by clicking HERE. This group is FREE and for anyone who is committed to getting healthier and living a healthier lifestyle.

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