Friday, October 16, 2015

Dare to Dream a New Dream

We all know this quote and have probably heard it a lot. The truth is that it is not enough to purely dream something we must put action behind what we dream. What makes a dream reality is when it is achieved, right? So what is something that you want or something you are dreaming of? Is it to lose weight, get in shape, lift heavier weights, etc. Whatever your dream must put action behind it.

Anything worth having is going to be difficult it doesn't happen overnight and it is going to take work. If achieving our dreams was supposed to be easy we would not have to dream. To be real if we didn't have to put action behind our dreams and work to achieve them it would take the enjoyment out of it. At least for me...what I like about setting goals or having a dream that I want to achieve is that I have to work to fulfill the dream or the goal.

So I want to take a few minutes and be real with you all. In the late spring of this year I set a goal that I wanted to be able to go two miles on the elliptical in 30 minutes. Shortly, after setting the goal I got pneumonia which put a hault on all my goals, my workouts, and it meant taking in lots of rest and postponing things that would normally be an every day part of my life. It sucked to put it simple. Once I got my health back and recovered it was time to get back into the good habits, eating healthy, exercising, setting goals, and working to achieve them. 

So today I achieved the goal. I went two miles on the elliptical in 30 minutes and it made me feel so proud. Have you ever had that feeling when you have wanted something and worked for it? Then you definitely know how it feels, right? It was just one of those moments where I was so thankful for my health to be back, and to see that through hard work I accomplished my goal. The photo below is from after the two miles on the elliptical, I should look happy I know; but there were times when I wanted to quit. I could feel the soreness, I was hot, but I was determined to see what I could do in 30 minutes. Sometimes you just have to ignore how you feel and try. Was I expecting to finish at 2 miles in 30 minutes? NO! But I wanted to try and see where I finished. I thought I would finish at 1.70-1.80, but I finished at 2 miles. It is a HUGE accomplishment!

How many time do we get in the way of achieving our own goals? Have you ever seen someone and said out loud or to yourself that you wish or one day? I know I have! But are we working to get there? Are we using that I wish or that motivation to push ourselves to get there? How many times do we get in the way of achieving our goals or dreams just because we lack the faith in ourselves, or we are afraid that we might not accomplish the goal or the dream? What sets us a part from the people we would like to be like? Are they sitting around wishing or dreaming? NO, they are putting action behind their dreams and goals and working to achieve it. I want to encourage YOU who are reading this post right now to set a goal that you want to achieve. It can be long term, or short term but makes sure it is attainable. Do you have the goal in  mind? Great, now I want you to set a time frame to achieve that goal. Each day work towards it, keep challenging yourself to get there. Because YOU will and I know you can do it. 

When you have reached the goal that you have set I would love to hear from you. It doesn't matter how big or small the goal is, it matters that you achieved it and I would love to hear all about it. If you are not sure about a goal you want to achieve, but you want to get healthier physically, work on nutrition, or on living healthier in general let's talk. I would love to help you work to achieving a healthier lifestyle or achieve the goals you have set for yourself. You can email me at You can also connect with me on Facebook at

I hope this inspires you not only to set goals or to dream but to put action behind it. 

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