Friday, February 12, 2016

Healthy Heart, Healthy Life Blog

In December of 2015 I sufferred from an injury that began to limit my workout routines that only got worse in the New Year despite everything that I was doing to try to get healthier. Finally, it got to the point where I just had to listen to my body and allow myself to get some rest. During this time I tried to continue eating healthier and in the proper portion sizes. Thanks to the 21 Day Fix portion control containers. I even lost 10 pounds in January which was completely mind-blowing! 

The relief for me during my injury was in seeing progress, especially with my post holiday weightloss. This injury was not a planned one but I know that it is not a surprise to God. I trust that he will help me get through this injury and am willing to do whatever it takes to get healthy again. On to the good news of this injury is that I saw my orthopedic surgeon this week and I was cleared for upper body workouts; but no lower workouts til the MRI and the results come back.  So my journey begins again...the hardest part is that I will be starting over from the beginning and this time I have to inspire myself to continue this journey. I am using my free fitness challenge as a way to keep myself accountable to what I need to do. 

So, why am I sharing this with you? I know that I am not the only one out there who has sufferred an injury and that maybe who ever is reading this will be inspired to push through their injuries and work towards getting healthier.  

Day ONE:

My first day back to fitness I enjoyed some time in the pool swimming laps and a short walk. I never realized before I began this journey that I am the ONLY person that can stand in the way of reaching my health and fitness goals. The way we talk to and about ourselves can become a part of how we view ourselves. The first step to changing it is changing the way we think about ourselves and working on building a positive self image. I made the decision that this was my first day back. That my nutrition would get dialed in again, and that I would resume working out. I am pretty proud of what I accomplished today, and look forward to continuing on. 20 days REMAIN before it becomes a habit again! Nothing is impossible with God on my side, HE is my STRENGTH and I can do this!

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